If you are ready to move forward we ask that you provide a 50% downpayment. Once we receive the bulk of your website content we will get to work and provide you with 2-3 different original designs for your site style, look and feel.
A private password protected directory will be created on our servers and supplied to you so only you and people you choose can view the site mockup.
Based on your feedback we will put together a few other variations. Then one or two more rounds of comments and the look is finalized ending the design stage. Next we start the full content analysis and coding stage.
We take your design selection, organize your content and code your website with all the functionality and verify our standards-compliant code. All revisions are posted in your private password protected directory so you can review the site as it is built. Once it is complete and you sign off, the site is uploaded to the live server (host) of your choice and any further enhancements and editing completed.
Finally, we're here for you at all times and we review the site regularily to make any small revisions.
- Review content to get a sense of the material and essential navigation needs
- Design a look that matches your material and intent of the site
- Create an original and unique design for your site
- Post images for client feedback
- Incorporate client comments and preferences
- Finalize look
- Develop a navigation structure and outline the major sections of your site
- Create site graphics (buttons, banners, site navigation) and optimize photographs, logos, etc. for the web
- Post the developing site in a secure area for your private viewing and comments from you, your staff, family or friends
- If further changes are requested, e.g., you decide to add a new content section, you will be asvised of additional costs, if any, and possibly revised time frames
- Write clean, compliant coding based on the latest W3 standards while optimizing your site for search engines and cross-browser/platform compatibility