A website with database-driven content simply means that information is loaded into a database on the server and this information is pulled from the database and displayed in a vistors' browser each and every time a visitor comes to your site.
A website with information stored in a database gives the non-technical website editor and/or site visitor the ability to change the content on the fly - without the need to understand any of the underlying HTML script. To update your site content, you only need to change the data in your database and instantly the new information is displayed for your visitors.
It also makes it possible to quickly update sites with a large of amount of changing data, such as product inventories or online memberships. The client has ongoing control over the site content. BuzzToneWeb Productions can provide training upon request for the personnel that are updating a database-driven site.
Although the structure and development work involved in creating a database for a website is significantly greater than creating a static website, maintenance is faster, easier and can be done by non-technical support.
Ask BuzzToneWeb Productions if database-driven content would be appropriate for your business or personal site.
For more information on how database driven content could be used for your site, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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